Performance parameters of sanitary pneumatic ball valve

Date:2017/11/15 15:47:15 Source: Click:
Pneumatic sanitary ball valve, the drive can choose manual, worm gear, pneumatic, electric connection mode, can be used to clip, flange, clamps, card sets, the structure can be used straight through type sealing structure can use soft seal, seal, pressure PN0.1-10Mpa, nominal diameter DN6-100mm, the material can be used stainless steel. Because the valve has a wide range of use, the same valve in different occasions and working conditions have different collocation.

1, nominal diameter: 15~80mm;

2, nominal pressure: PN (1.6, 2.5,4.0, 6.4) Mpa; <

3, connection form: clamp sleeve;

4, body material: ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti, ZG1Cr18Ni12mo2Ti, CF8, CF8m;

5, temperature range: room temperature -40, ~180, -40 -40OC-450OC ~350, high temperature;

6, filler: PTFE packing, flexible graphite;

7, spool type: O type spool

8, flow characteristics: quick opening characteristics

9, spool material: Icr18Ni9TI 0017Ni12Mo2Ti;

10, seat material: Teflon (PTFE), special PPL, metal seat

11, adjustable ratio: 350:1;

12, cylinder form: single cylinder or double cylinder type

13, cylinder working pressure: 0.4~0.7 Mpa;

14, cylinder switch time: double acting 1~5 seconds;

15, cylinder air consumption: 1~131L;

16, solenoid valve power supply: 220VAC, 110VAC, 24VAC, 24VD